Woody Woodpecker is an animated cartoon character produced by the Walter Lantz. Woody was created in 1940 by storyboard artist Ben "Bugs" Hardaway who had previously laid the groundwork for two other screwball characters, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, at the Schlesinger/Warner Bros. studio in the late 1930s.
Woody was originally voiced by Mel Blanc, who was succeeded by Ben Hardaway and later by Grace Stafford, wife of Walter Lantz. The character has only been revived since then for special productions and occasions, save for one new Saturday morning cartoon, The New Woody Woodpecker Show, for the Fox Network in the late 1990s/early 2000s.
Woody Woodpecker cartoons were first broadcast on television in 1957 under the title The Woody Woodpecker Show.
According to Walter Lantz's press agent, the idea for Woody came during the producer's honeymoon with his wife, Gracie, in Sherwood Lake, California. A noisy woodpecker outside their cabin kept the couple awake at night, and when a heavy rain started, they learned that the bird had bored holes in their cabin's roof.
Woody Woodpecker first appeared in the film Knock Knock on November 25, 1940. The cartoon ostensibly stars Andy Panda and his father, Papa Panda, but it is Woody who steals the show.
Woody was number 46 on TV Guide's list of the 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All-Time in 2002 and 2003.
Woody Woodpecker came in at number 25 on Animal Planet's list of The 50 Greatest Movie Animals in 2004.
Pequena no tamanho, porém grande nos sonhos, nas conquistas, no amor pela escrita,por ter escolhido o Jornalismo como sua profissão!!
segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010
My favorite Cartoon
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